TS POLYCET 2019 Online Application Form | TS POLYCET 2019 Notification, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern
TS POLYCET 2019 Online Application Form
TS POLYCET 2019 Notification, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Pattern
How To Apply TS POLYCET 2019 Online Application Forms
Telangana Polytechnic Common Entrance Test 2019
TS POLYCET 2019 Notification Released and Online Applications Start From 14-03-2019 to 04-04-2019 and Exam will be conducted on 16-04-2018 (11Am to 01Pm) and Results of Polycet-2019 will be released on 24-04-2018. Yo Can Visit Official Site For Detailed Notification And Online Applications Form www.sbtet.telangana.gov.in/ or www.polycetts.nic.in/The State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana, Hyderabad will conduct “Polytechnic Common Entrance Test (POLYCET)” for the candidates seeking admission in to all Diploma Courses in Engineering /Non Engineering/Technology offered at Polytechnics /Institutions (including Aided and Unaided Private Polytechnics /Institutions running as 2nd shift in Private Engineering Colleges) in Telangana State for the academic year 2019 - 20.
POLYCET is a Polytechnic common entrance test conducted by State Board of Technical Education and Training, Hyderabad for admission into Diploma level programmes conducted in Government, aided, Private unaided polytechnics and polytechnics run in existing Private unaided Engineering Colleges.
Every candidate desirous of seeking admission into Engineering/Non - Engineering Diploma courses can apply through online for POLYCET-2019.No separate application form for admission is prescribed. The filled in application for POLYCET-2019 itself is an application for admission.
For admission into the Diploma Courses like Hotel Management and Catering Technology, D. Pharmacy, the entry qualification is 10 + 2 The Candidates need not appear POLYCET - 2019 for admission into these courses. A separate notification will be issued for admission to these Diploma Courses.
Steps To Submit Online Applications:
- Visit the official site of TS POLYCET 2019
- Click on Apply Online
- First Pay the Registration Fee
- Then Fill Application Form
- Then Take Print Out Of Application.
Important Links:
- Polycet-2019 Information Booklet
- Application Fee Payment
- Fill Application Form
- Applications Status
- Print Print Hall Tickets
- Notification / Fee Particulars
- Syllabus And Pattern
- Check Results
- Notification of TS POLYCET-2019
- Start of Submission & Registration of Online Application Form 14-03-2019
- Last Date for Submission & Registration of Online Application Form 04-04-2019
- Start of Downloading of Hall Tickets
- Date of TS POLYCET Examination 16-04-2019.
- Announcement Of Results: 24-04-2019.
Date and Time of Entrance Test:
11.00 AM to 01.00 PM
Fee Details:
Fee: र 400/- (र 200/- in case of SC/ST Candidates)
- The examination (POLYCET) will be of 2 hours duration consisting of only one paper as per the syllabus in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of X Class (S.S.C.) Examination held in March/April-2018 as prescribed by the Board of Secondary Education, Telangana State.
- The Question paper consists of 120 questions with a choice of four responses for each question with only one correct response among them.
i) 60 Questions in Mathematics for 60 Marks.
ii) 30 Questions in Physics for 30 Marks.
iii) 30 Questions in Chemistry for 30 Marks.
- Candidates should not bring Logarithmic Tables, Calculators, pagers, Cell phone or any other supporting electronic gadgets into the Examination Hall. Any candidate found in possession of any forbidden material will be sent out of the Examination Hall and may also lead to the cancellation of performance of the candidate.
- Candidates must remain seated in their allotted places till the completion of the Examination. In no case will they be allowed to leave the examination Hall till 12-00 Noon, i.e. one hour after the commencement of the Examination. Before leaving, the candidates must return the response sheet/answer sheet and can take away the question paper booklet.
- Every Candidate appearing for POLYCET-2018 shall be provided with a specially designed Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Response Sheet (Answer Sheet), on which the candidate shall have to mark his or her answers and other relevant data. The method of marking the answers is illustrated in this section. Candidates are advised to go through the instructions given for marking the answers and other entries on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet thoroughly and practice the same at their residence, which would make it easy for them to answer in the Examination Hall. Further the Candidates are advised not to scribble or make any marks on the response sheet except marking the answers and other relevant data at the appropriate place on the Response Sheet. Any violation of these instructions will automatically lead to the disqualification of the Candidate.
- Candidates shall note that they will not be given a second blank Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet under any circumstances. Hence they are advised to be very careful while handling the OMR response sheet. Candidates shall read the instruction sheet carefully before starting to answer the questions.
- The question paper booklet given to the Candidates shall consist of 120 multiple choice type questions in Three (03) different sections with four responses given to each question. Out of which only one response is correct for the given question. Candidates shall mark the correct answer in the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) response sheet by shading in Dark the appropriate circle with 2B pencil only. They should not use under any circumstance Ball pen for this purpose.
- Candidates shall be required to indicate their Hall ticket number on the Optical mark reader (OMR) response sheet. It shall be done as demonstrated by shading the appropriate circle.
- Candidates are requested to answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
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